“God says I am”

In this weeks blog post, I will be talking about a sermon from the series Crash The Chatterbox called God says I am. In the series Crash The Chatterbox, we got to learn about that the voice we respond to determines the future that we experience and we have a choice to listen to that voice we consume. We also have to choose to agree with what God says is true.

In this sermon, Pastor Steven Furtick used the scriptures Psalm 139:14-15 which says: 14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” When God says that His works are wonderful, He is talking about us. Verse 15 says: “My frame was not hidden from you. When I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Those verses are telling us that we are worth something and God made us all special.

We normally feel insecure instead of feeling special and we can feel special by having wholeness in your life. The key to having wholeness in your life is the willing to be vulnerable. A scripture in the Bible that relates to this is the story of when God talks to Moses through a burning bush and that can be found in Exodus 3:1-11. In that story, Moses was on a Mountain and he looks over and sees a burning bush that did not actually burn up. Moses went over to the bush and it started talking to Moses and to take off his sandals because he was on Holy ground. Then the bush told Moses that it was God talking with him. Moses hid his face because he was frightened. God asked him to free Pharaoh’s people. Moses asked God “Who am I?” He was confused and did not feel important enough to do this job. We normally ask God who we are which can drive insecurity.

Having insecurity can make us feel unimportant at times. In order to understand someone’s chatter, you have to understand their history. The enemy will use your history to form your insecurity. Most times, we think I am never ________ enough. For example, I am never beautiful enough or I am never smart enough. Our thoughts for I am never enough to change from time to time. The chatterbox talks to us in first person and makes us think I am never enough. We think I’m so dysfunctional or I am so deficient. The definition for deficient is lacking something that you need. You can see and experience God doing remarkable things in your life even though you might be insecure.

God has already been in your future so your past will not continue and you do not need to continue to have insecurity. When you become a Christian, you are taking God’s name. When you say I am never rich enough or I am never good enough, you are taking God’s name in vain. God says that what He, is you are. So when we say that I am so doubtful God will say I am faithful. By believing this about yourself and God’s word then you will not have to suffer in your past insecurity. God says “I AM”.

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